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- 儀景通XRF分析儀常見問題
- 2019-11-21 14:59:06 贏洲科技
Why did we create a new XRF analyzer? What’s so special about it? Read this FAQ to get the answers to questions customers are asking about Vanta™ handheld XRF analyzers.
1、Why do people use XRF?
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a technique for obtaining the elemental composition of materials (magnesium and heavier on the periodic table). With little sample preparation, you can get results in as little as 1 second for some alloys or up to 60 seconds for some geological samples. And XRF is nondestructive.
2、Why did EVIDENT make the Vanta analyzer?
We released the Vanta analyzer in September 2016 because our DELTA® XRF analyzer was 7 years old. Think about how much better other technologies, like cell phones, have gotten in the past 7 years. We knew there were many things we could do better, so we created the Vanta analyzer.
3、What makes the Vanta analyzer better?
We built it to be a rugged tool—it has to stand up to the rigors of daily use in tough environments. The analyzer is built to pass a 4-foot (MIL-STD 810-G) drop test, is IP55 or IP54 rated (depending on the model), operates continuously from -10 °C to 50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F) with an optional fan, and has a solid detector shutter (on models with a silicon drift detector). We’re so confident in the analyzer’s ruggedness that each comes with a standard 3-year warranty.
4、Is there anything else?
Three other important advancements are the Axon Technology™ that powers the analyzer, a new “smartphone-like” user interface, and optional wireless connectivity.
5、What is Axon Technology?
Axon Technology is the name we’ve given to a series of signal processing improvements in the analyzer. In technical terms, we have very high count rates with excellent resolution. In less technical terms, Vanta analyzers are simply very good at counting X-rays. The result is that you get a better answer faster.
6、What does the wireless connectivity option get you?
With wireless connectivity, you can access the EVIDENT Scientific Cloud. You can be alerted about new software updates, download the file, and update the instrument wirelessly. You can also access the EVIDENT Scientific Cloud to store data, view data remotely, share your screen, and locate any analyzer in your fleet. And new Cloud features are being added all the time!
7、What makes the Vanta analyzer’s user interface so intuitive?
We borrowed navigation ideas from the cell phone industry — like swiping, flicking, and tapping. We use a big screen to display lots of information, and we let you customize what features appear on your home screen, just like selecting apps on your phone. If you can use a smartphone, you should be able to set up a Vanta analyzer.
8、Why are there six different Vanta analyzers?
We offer three different Vanta analyzer models— the M Series, C Series, and L Series. Each has a different level of performance. We also offer different anode materials:
9、Rhodium: great for alloy applications
Tungsten: a good option for regulatory applications
Silver: a capable all-around performer
Talk to your sales representative or contact us for help determining which combination of model and anode material is best for your application.
10、What applications are Vanta analyzers used for?
There are numerous applications. Some customers user their analyzers to identify alloys both on the incoming material to confirm the alloy is what its certificate says it is as well as spot checking manufactured components to make sure the correct alloy was used. Recyclers use them to identify different kinds of scrap. The analyzers are also used by geoscientists at every stage of the mining process from exploration to site remediation. Other applications include:
11、Identifying precious metals
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) testing
Checking environmental samples or consumer products for hazardous substances
Measuring coating thickness
Sorting precious metals in car catalysts
Analyzing road construction materials
And much more!
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